I was wondering , if you will be ready to work fof an organisation that you oppose ideologically , for instance you are against big oil but you get a job interview in exxonmobil with good pay , would you consider it ?

*Edit : Recently a friend of mine got a marketing job for a company that had shady business practices , selling their product to gullible parents. Since it was a marketing job , the pay was good but my friend left it within a week , saying it does not suit his ideology.

  • @Kinglink
    1 year ago

    Depends but pretty much sure.

    I’d rather take a lot of money from someone I hate so I can donate it to stuff I like than a little money from people already doing what I want.

    Obviously good pay is subjective but at the end of they day you need to eat and pay for housing. Not everyone is going to ideologically match with their company.

    Also how else can these companies change if everyone buys the corporate line who works for them.