Trying to de-google and looking for an alternative to Gmail.

Don’t mind if it’s a paid service if it’s robust.

  • @Aceticon
    22 years ago

    I’ve had something like that for a decade and a half now.

    In fact the basic e-mail service came free with just getting a domain name (though I pay extra to get IMAP rather that just POP3 access for my mail client plus pretty much infinite storage).

    Works in any e-mail client and also has a web client.

    Notice that I don’t even need to have a hosting account (so it’s not hosting for a website), much less a full VPS (which I would have to manage myself): all I’m paying for is the domain name and a little extra for more storage and full e-mail protocol support beyond the basic tier.

    I think there have been maybe 2 or 3 outtages in the entire decade and half I’ve had it.

    Whilst I could do my own thing and manage it, this solution is pretty much the level of complexity of using Google Mail (I have more important things to spend my time on than manage a mailserver) with infinitelly more privacy and running 100% on open protocols (so I can move it to a different provider if I want).