Congressional Democrats have pushed for ethics reform legislation, efforts publicly rejected by Samuel Alito

  • @Nightwingdragon
    1 year ago

    Another ended up resigning after impeachment was threatened, but that’s likely when people actually had a sense of shame and resigned when they were caught doing something wrong.

    Different times. Today, he can hide behind the law and beefed up security. The absolutely worst that could happen to him is that he resigns or is removed in disgrace, but he gets to keep all of the ill-gotten gains he’s collected over the years. Try that back then and there’s a very real possibility that he’d have been dragged out into the streets and hanged if he refused to resign. Especially considering he’s black.

    Today, it’s “Can you resign? Pretty please? No? Aw, shucks.”

    Back then, it was “Resign or be hanged, asshole.”