I used to be able to sleep like it was my job. Those days are long gone. Nothing helps me sleep anymore. My THC gummies used to work wonders but the insomnia got worse and now nothing short of xanax helps. I have done all the obvious things…exercise, no caffeine or sugar, winding down earlier at night etc to no avail. Fortunately I work from home so I can catch a brief nap during the day. And yes, I have forgone naps in order to sleep hard the following night–that doesn’t work either. Is there some secret technique, pill, whathaveyou that my menopausal friends know about and can share? Do you have something other than what was mentioned above that works for you. I’d love to know. I’m willing to try.

  • greenappletwostep
    2 years ago

    I’ve had insomnia since I was 29 (trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep). I’ve tried everything under the sun. The only thing that worked for me is doxepin and rozeram (together). And I still have to be fanatical about my sleep hygiene. Interestingly enough, my sleep has been better since getting the mirena iud. Who knew? I’m sorry you’re not sleeping- it super sucks. Hugs! (BTW- love your user name!!)