Self-explanatory title

  • Wolf Link 🐺
    232 years ago

    My ex was convinced that girls hitting / insulting men was not only completely fine and normal, but even hilarious and “cute” for some weird reason - and she legit couldn’t understand why I did not find it funny or endearing. It didn’t help that she was also visibly smaller than me (about 2/3 my height) and percieved those actions as her own unique “love language”.

    Let’s just say that there is a good reason this woman is my EX now. It took a while for the rose-tinted glasses to finally shatter so I could see the red flags for what they were, but I’m glad that psycho is no longer part of my life.

    (I know from mutual friends that she still thinks women hitting men is okay, but men hitting women deserve the death penalty)

    • @PlatonicaWhoreOP
      62 years ago

      Your ex is crazy! Good thing y’all broke up, I couldn’t imagine what would happen to you mentally AND emotionally if y’all stayed…