There is no reason to consider one’s political party in local elections, if they are even a part of one, in local elections. Large social and economic issues simply do not matter for small positions such as city council or mayor. If you’re part of a large city such as NYC then sure but the vast majority of us aren’t. By the way, this only applies to the US because of our “wonderful” 2 party system.

  • @Hazdaz
    52 years ago


    Local elections matter. A vote for a Republican state representative might not mean you are helping the national Republican Party push through anti abortion laws, or pro-business laws, etc, but it does mean that on local laws your state might try to restrict access to abortion or give sweetheart deals to big corporations, etc.

    Just look at the shit show that is Florida or Texas and you see why local elections matter. And matter a lot. That clown DeSatan wouldn’t have been able to push through as much of his stupid ideas through if the Florida state legislature wasn’t controlled by Republicans.

    Obviously the more local, the less power these positions have, but if you run as a Republican in today’s world, after seeing the shit that the GOP is willing to pull, tells me your mental capacity is greatly diminished and tells me you probably guzzle all the nonsense spewed out by right wing propaganda media like FOX. I wouldn’t trust a Republican to be in charge of trash collection, quite honestly.

    • @soviettatersOP
      02 years ago

      Well in that case I should just vote straight-ticket Republican. I’ve always voted a mix of Democrat and Republican on local levels (since I’ve always voted for the best person for the job), but clearly that’s not wise if I want to achieve my political goals.

      • @Hazdaz
        02 years ago

        If you vote for any Republicans, that’s speaks volumes to the kind of dipshit you are and the amount of corruption you are actively supporting. As an American, I say fuck off, treasonous scum.