Awrite? Fit like folks? Seen any shows or sports?

  • @linzid83
    22 years ago

    Hey Guys and Gals!! Lemmy seems to be a bit hit or miss for me this week!! Shows and sports?? Watched some football and a wee bit of the cycling. Was at an open air cinema with my pals this week to see Mamma Mia!!

    My sister, brother in law, niece and nephew are up at my mums so i’ve been catching up with them a bit this week. Dads got covid so not seen him and hoping he gets better soon. Going to a wedding this weekend but won’t know a single person!!

    • @OlapOPM
      22 years ago

      Aye has had some uptime concerns. Been better last couple of days though. Open air cinema sounds grand, it’s been so warm this week too

      New strain is catching everyone. If you don’t have it yet, the wedding will sort you out!

      • @linzid83
        22 years ago

        A bloody hope not!! I’m back at work next week and will have hospital again soon!!!