• Victor Villas
    12 years ago

    A person with no access to housing. Most people would refer to one as “homeless”.

    • Sha'ul
      -12 years ago

      Why not say “homeless” since there is no such word as “unhoused”?

      • Victor Villas
        2 years ago

        Well, there is such a word, you’ve just encountered it.

        As for why, I guess each person might have different motivations to use it but I’d say the more probable one is an attempt to emphasize that the lack of housing is something inflicted on people, hence the use of X-ed (victim) instead of X-less (attribute). Someone can choose to be homeless (like nomads), but the unhoused are so against their will. Similar to preferring marginalized over minority, or impoverished over poor.

        • Sha'ul
          -22 years ago

          Oh, you are a stunted pretntious grandious infantile.

          Those are all actual words with dictionary definitions that you can look up in the dictionary of your choice.

          • @phobiac
            42 years ago

            What has you so angry here? Your lack of recognition of a word doesn’t deligimitze it. New words are invented all the time to describe changing circumstances. You realize you’re on an experimental platform full of “words” like fediverse and activitypub, right?

          • Victor Villas
            31 year ago

            If your definition of “words that exist” is having them on dictionaries, then we’re still good because there are dictionaries that include unhoused already.

        • Sha'ul
          -21 year ago

          That means you want to pervert and distort linguistic rules to to cater to people’s arrogance. In normal English, people only say minorities or the poor. Saying a homeless person is a victm encourages narcassism and gives them a cop-out excuse from accountability, and showsvyou don’t believe a person’s suffering is justified due their own choices. That’s why humility is the most important character trait a person can develop.

          Calling a homeless person a victim oppresses them because it shows that you believe they cannot overcome, conquer their situation, and be successful without hand outs from anyone else. If you truly encouraged someone’s potential to conquer hardship with internal fortitude you hold them accountable, forget about what hapoened and focus on what will be.

          No person can have a successful future if they don’t earn it thrugh merit, and no person can be successful as long as they are a victim of the past.

          Stop feeding the victim mentality that only serves to sabatoge them and start helping to educate a homeless person in what work they have to do and what moves they have to make if they want to become wealthy and finanxially independent one day so their days of being homeless can be nothing but a bad memory and not a circumstance that will always be with them and keeps rhem trapped and pulled down.

          Anytime a homeless person becomes a millionaire, they are a great leader that can lead society into the next generation of millionaires.