• @ttmrichter
      12 years ago

      I said before that to Arrange plates that’s a different story, but that in the picture is takeout food.

      And takeout food shouldn’t have aesthetics, of course. Who’d want that!?

      As someone else pointed out, the stick left in the food enhances the AROMA which is a critical part of the food eating experience

      Sorry but you can take the stick out before putting it on the plate, the few minutes more it gets in there won’t change the TASTE

      I highlighted your reading incomprehension so you can learn the difference between “aroma” and “taste”. No need to thank me. It’s all part of the service package.

      I have no idea whats your problem, I have grown up in Germany and live here for the most part …

      That would be your problem then, yes! We’re at the root of discovering the issue.

      … we have Foreign (as in not from neighboring countries) Cuisine mostly From Greece, Turkey, Japan and “China” (Also includes Mongolia and partially Vietnamese here)

      Trust me. As one German-born (Hemer) and partially German-raised (Mühlheim/M and Lahr) to another, what you have eaten as “foreign” food is so bowdlerized for German tastes that it is not even remotely similar to the places of origin. And the farther away the source culture, the less like the point of origin it will be.

      Your “Chinese” food (whether including “Mongolian” and “Vietnamese” or not) will not even come close to anything I’ve eaten here in the past 20 years. Not a single Chinese-in-China person would look at what’s sold as “Chinese” food in Germany and recognize it as coming from their homeland. Even the basic, most fundamental techniques of cooking will be different to comply with German tastes (and likely laws).

      You have a narrow upbringing. It’s not your fault, I want to be clear: most people have extremely narrow upbringings. (It’s the human condition!) What absolutely is your fault, however, is your persistent denial in the face of those with far more experience and knowledge than you.

      But that’s the Internet for you I guess. That, too, is the human condition.