• @TheGrandNagus
    71 year ago

    I somewhat agree with the Mac thing, but the same could be said for KDE or Cinnamon and Windows. Don’t try to act like they didn’t take the Windows UX and run with it lol. But of course if you called their DEs an attempted Windows clone they wouldn’t like it either.

    The ability to OPTIONALLY pay for apps right from the software centre is a good thing. The money goes to the developers and FOSS has serious problems in terms of actually funding developers. Flathub is looking to implement similar functionality.

    You can install elementary apps on other distros just fine… They’re available as flatpaks.

    Blatant transphobia. Classic.

    They aren’t restricting freedom at all lol, and even if they were, nobody’s forcing you to use Elementary.

    • danielfgom
      -21 year ago

      It’s not transphobia, it’s reality and that guy is an abomination.

      I’m not American so I don’t give a crap about who is offended.

      • @TheGrandNagus
        1 year ago

        I’m not American either. I’m just not a salty, whiny little bigot who gets offended at pronouns.

        Get a grip, snowflake.

        • danielfgom
          01 year ago

          I don’t get offended at pronouns. I get offended at morons who use the wrong pronouns because they’re stupid.

          • @TheGrandNagus
            -11 year ago

            Aww diddums, you poor wittle snowflake

            The nasty lady huwt your wittle feewings 🥺🥺❄️

            • danielfgom
              21 year ago

              How do you not understand it has nothing to do with feelings? It has to do with how God created you. If you have a penis you’re a male. If you have a vagina you’re a female. If not negotiable. It’s also not complicated.

              Obey your Creator or die an eternal flaming hell. It’s totally your choice.

              • @TheGrandNagus
                1 year ago

                It’s 100% all about your pwecious wittle fee fees.

                God lmao

                If God was real, which he isn’t, I’d hate him anyway. A sexist, pro-slavery, violent, homophobic piece of shit.

                I follow facts, not your mentally challenged imaginary friend.

                • danielfgom
                  21 year ago

                  I assure you He is very real and the words you’ve spoken against Him you will have to answer for on the Day of Judgement.

                  Repent while you can. Read the gospel and learn the truth. God is love but He is also justice and judgement.

                  • @TheGrandNagus
                    1 year ago

                    Ohhh you assure me? Well that’s good. I guess I and everyone else will just convert to Christianity because you’ve assured us.

                    You just keep worshipping your sky daddy and I’ll continue being a normal person.

                    Your god is a cowardly piece of shit. If he was real I’d spit in his face for being such a piece of shit. But he obviously isn’t, so unfortunately I’ll never get that chance.