Quite a few games have been announced that we’re waiting on. Some in the latest gaming showcase, some before or after:
- Assassin’s Creed Nexus
- Stranger Things
- I Expect You to Die 3
- Asgard’s Wrath 2
- Attack on Titan
- PowerWash Simulator
- Arizona Sunshine 2
- Bulletstorm
- Ziggy‘s Cosmic Adventure
- Inverse
- Samba de Amigo
- Hellsweeper
- Behemoth
- Vampire: the Masquerade
- Arashi
- Underdogs
- Silent Slayer
- Uboat
- Toss
- 7th Guest
- Ghostbusters
- Death Game Hotel
- Racket club
- A2 (Gorilla Tag Studio‘s Echo VR successor)
- …
…and of course the game that may or may not ever see the the sunlight: GTA5
Fighting the good fight ^^ Keep it up :)
It’s always a slow process (unless the thing you’re trying to replace suddenly breaks).
Hehe yeah I’m trying to get a few communities to start using Lemmy, it’s tough. But even if they aren’t making accounts, if they’re just reading my posts then at least they’re maybe getting comfortable with Lemmy?
For Deus Ex Randomizer we have a Mastodon bot that quite a few people in that Discord community enjoy reading, it posts about things that happen in your game (if you opt-in).