TLDR: - suggestions and feedback would be amazing!

Hey guys, as the title suggests I’ve been working on a cross-stitching app project the last couple months.

The idea behind it is to mark stitches as complete as you go, then it will give you an idea of how much progress you have made (stitches complete, stitches remaining, % complete).

Currently, there are a few patterns that are supported but I’m assuming most of you would want to load your own, so let me know if this is true!

I’m also thinking a method of also tracking the threads you currently own and whether you have the needed colours/amounts for new projects.

Please let me know your thoughts and suggestions! Thanks all!

  • @drudoo
    22 years ago

    You should definitely check out Cross Stitch Saga on iOS. It does exactly this and also works with backstitch, half stitch and quarter stitch etc. been using it exclusively for stitching the last year and I can’t imagine going back to pdf or paper!

    • ClickStitchOP
      12 years ago

      Thanks I’ll check it out! I’ve seen a couple of mobile apps like this, but wanted to create something that was cross platform. The one you mentioned looks really cool though so I’ll definitely be taking a look!