Hey! I recently started dating someone, and it is both of our first relationships. We have only been dating for 5 months. We both go to the same college in NY, and we recently decided to make a 3-day road trip in Early September.

The financial discussions for our upcoming trip have been a bit awkward, and we sorta decided that I will be footing the bill for the hotel, while he would cover gas and food. I felt like this was a bit unfair, as the cost of the hotel is probably ~3x what gas/food would cost us. I had brought this up and I noticed it was a bit of a trigger for him, and it was clear he wasn’t too keen on having the discussion. I don’t think this comes from malice, but more so that money discussions are always awkward, and this is both of our first relationships.

I had offered to split it so that he pays a quarter of the hotel charge, and he sort of reluctantly said yes, but mentioned he doesn’t have the money right now, so I didn’t really push further.

Both of us have different perspectives on money - he is a lot more frivolous than me in spending, while I’m pretty frugal. Even though we’re both in university, I have more disposable income than him (mostly because of my frugality).

I’m worried that I will resent him during and after the trip because of this, and I know I need to bring it up to him, but I don’t know how I should approach it. I do really want to go on the trip, and I realize that I may be too “cheap” and should let things go. At the same time, I’m feeling more and more resentful whenever he mentions how he spent money buying (non-essential) new clothes or books. I’ve been bottling it up for a bit since he’s going through a bit of a rough patch, but the date of the trip is approaching and I can’t keep my mind off things.

To clarify, my questions are:

  1. How do I bring it up to him? I’m worried if it feels like too much like an ultimatum, we’d have to cancel the trip.

  2. Should I just “suck it up”? I know in relationships things aren’t always equal. I would like to think if the roles were reversed he would do the same, but I’m not sure if he would.

I can not emphasize how much I like him. My post may have made this sound like a toxic relationship but it is anything but. It’s just one small part of an otherwise amazing relationship.

  • partial_accumen
    82 years ago

    I think the size of the trip is small enough that if we want to reduce costs we might just not end up going and doing something more local (which honestly, I don’t mind either).

    This is perfect! Suggest this instead.

    “BF, you communicated to me that half of the [big trip] would put a strain on your finances. I appreciate you sharing that concern with me, and I respect you managing your finances to not overspend. Honestly, I think about the costs too for myself. It feels like we’re both feeling over-extended with the costs of [big trip]. How about instead we do [local thing] instead? The total cost is only X, which means a half we each pay is only Y. That means we don’t have to over-extend and we’re both comfortable with what we have to pay. What do you think?”

    If he continues to push for [big trip] without willing to pay half, then its a red flag, but it allows you to have the conversation about why he feels you should be paying more when you’re both getting equal amounts of trip out of it. This will be a very important conversation. He will be explaining why he believes your money is less important to him than his money is to him. I hope I’m wrong here.

    The trip size/hotel choice was also mostly his idea, not mine. I didn’t mention this in my original post, but I think this adds to my feelings towards this trip (i.e. “why am I paying more if this was your idea?” even though that’s an awful way to put it)

    Yeah this is concerning. Its not an awful way to think about it from your perspective. Its honest with yourself about how you feel. Don’t lie to yourself for someone else’s benefit. In the end you’re hurting yourself.

    He came up with this idea, found the hotel that he’s not willing to pay his half for, and then grumbles when you ask for equality? Red flags, I’m afraid. Don’t lose heart entirely. When we’re young lots of us are making mistakes. He too may have a chance to learn and grow from this. Honest and open communication between you two will give him that opportunity. It will be on him to use the opportunity, however. If he chooses to belittle you or treat you less than an equal, know that you deserve better.

    Thank you for your sample message, sometimes I feel like I’m emotionally incompetent and don’t know how to frame the simples of things lol.

    You are NOT incompetent! You are inexperience. We all start that way. There’s no textbook that teaches us how to do these things. Those that give you good answers when you ask can show you the emotional scars they earned from learning the hard way. You’ll have your share of emotional scars too. That’s just life. Don’t despair! Simply try and be the best version of yourself everyday. The race is never with others, just with yesterday’s version of ourselves.