
  • 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Anthropologist 100 years from now will describe it like this:

    Prior to the internet, memes existed only in newspaper form. Because of “the war” data wipe, we don’t have any evidence of computer/digital based memes prior to 2071. However, with this newspaper, we can see that memes started in paper form delivered daily. This meant the value of each meme was much higher as only 4 or 5 could be consumed daily. With relation to the publication date of this newspaper, it would be decades before humanity invented shitposting.

  • partial_accumentoAsk LemmyHow bad did I fuck up?
    15 hours ago

    You know they’ll boost it after just a few months of timely payments, right?

    Just to dismiss this myth. How many times you put charges on a credit card or how many payments you make has ZERO bearing on your credit score. The only thing you have to do is, when you have charges, pay on time. There isn’t even a measure for “you paid on time” there are negative measures of “you didn’t pay on time” though.

    FICO score is only 5 things and they aren’t a secret. Its published right on their website for all to see.


  • partial_accumentoAsk LemmyHow bad did I fuck up?
    15 hours ago

    Credit scores at total bullshit in the first place.

    Credit scores are mostly fine. They do only one thing. They provide a good measure of how likely you are to pay back a loan. Thats it.

    What other companies decide a credit score means and how they use that is bullshit.

  • partial_accumentoAsk LemmyHow bad did I fuck up?
    17 hours ago

    You did more damage by canceling the cards than getting them and keeping them. In the end, had you kept the cards, it would have improved your score (even if you never put any charges on them because having the space counts positively toward your debt-to-credit ratio in FICO).

  • partial_accumento2meirl4meirl2meirl4meirl
    22 hours ago

    Oh, I know being laid off is coming anyway regardless of how good a job I do at some point. Its how our industry works. I’m prepared, can weather it, and will have a fine and safe landing. I hope you’ve been watching so you’ll be equally prepared when it happens to you, as it will.

  • partial_accumento2meirl4meirl2meirl4meirl
    23 hours ago

    I’m talking about the future. Your future specfically. See, I’m not offended by your misunderstanding about the industry or trends. You’ve not been in the industry very long. Time will be your best teacher.

  • So far, speaking from experience, we saved loads of money DIY’ing it, even when deploying to the cloud, and we saved loads of time, in the long run.

    First, I’m glad its working for you up to now. I’ve been in similar orgs. It works great, until it doesn’t. Have you had an production outage yet from a datacenter or hardware failure yet?

    Should I ask home much did your Broadcom licensing renewal cost you this year?

    If you hire talented workers, you save money and time, by DIYing the approach, as long as it’s done in a sane, and controlled manner.

    Talented workers that know the systems are great, and if you’ve built your own systems and processes finely tuned to your specific applications performance needs and profiles, it also means you’ve got a highly specialized infrastructure and app stack. You’ve possibly built yourself a scaling problem because the skill needed to understand and maintain your well performing one-off solution isn’t ubiquitous. As your organization’s needs scale it will be tied directly to the additional limited specialized and expensive staff needed. Again, this may not be an issue with your org today, but it may not have hit this need yet. This is the “Only time will tell” component that is so important. As in, your sample size may not be large enough to know if your org made the right decision or not yet.

  • partial_accumento2meirl4meirl2meirl4meirl
    23 hours ago

    I’m not going anywhere pal. I’ve only been in the advanced field for 3 years. I do more than the people in my field do

    So you’re still a child in this industry then. There’s nothing wrong with that unless you’re too arrogant to realize it.

    and I’m learning programming on the side. I’m good.

    If you don’t at least scripting already you’re already dreadfully behind in IT. The days of click-ops IT having a solid career path was over more than 15 years ago. Even most infrastructure is IaC today if you’ve got a chance for a long future in this industry.

  • I made these comments as I was reading the Executive Order. If you skip the rest of my post, at least scroll down to the last quoted section. If my reading is right, it could have huge implications. However, IANAL.

    Federal law, 52 U.S.C. 30121, prohibits foreign nationals from participating in Federal, State, or local elections by making any contributions or expenditures. But foreign nationals and non-governmental organizations have taken advantage of loopholes in the law’s interpretation, spending millions of dollars through conduit contributions and ballot-initiative-related expenditures. This type of foreign interference in our election process undermines the franchise and the right of American citizens to govern their Republic.

    Looks like this follows the rule of “Every GOP accusation is projection”.

    (d) The head of each Federal voter registration executive department or agency (agency) under the National Voter Registration Act, 52 U.S.C. 20506(a), shall assess citizenship prior to providing a Federal voter registration form to enrollees of public assistance programs.

    This one is weird. Is this saying that those on public assistance programs get extra scrutiny if they’ll be allowed to vote?

    (ii) Within 180 days of the date of this order, the Election Assistance Commission shall take appropriate action to review and, if appropriate, re-certify voting systems under the new standards established under subsection (b)(i) of this section, and to rescind all previous certifications of voting equipment based on prior standards.

    This one is divorced from reality. 180 days to make voting equipment comply with these new rules? Many voting districts are using older equipment because their limited funds. For any of the software based machines, 180 days barely defines the project requirements and assembles a team, much less the needed onboarding and execution of the change. What about mechanical voting machines? These could take years to design changes and implement them. The consequence if the machines (electronic or otherwise) aren’t updated? " and to rescind all previous certifications of voting equipment based on prior standard". Those machines are no longer eligible to be used in elections.

    Sec. 8. Preventing Foreign Interference and Unlawful Use of Federal Funds. The Attorney General, in consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury, shall prioritize enforcement of 52 U.S.C. 30121 and other appropriate laws to prevent foreign nationals from contributing or donating in United States elections. The Attorney General shall likewise prioritize enforcement of 31 U.S.C. 1352, which prohibits lobbying by organizations or entities that have received any Federal funds.

    Woah! Talk about burying the lede. Receive federal funds and you lose your right to lobby or contribute to any political campaign? Wouldn’t that include every Fortune 1000 company, Elon Musk, and every single person that has received PPA loans or even FEMA relief?!

  • partial_accumentome_irlme_irl
    24 hours ago

    That definition is still regular gaslighting isn’t it? The person doing the gaslighting is convincing the victim that a certain set of circumstances existed in the past even though those circumstances never did.

  • she thinks i’m disgusting or inferior because of my disabilities.

    If she said this to me, this bit right here is the “full stop” where I would have cut ties with her and she’d be gone from my life. At best she may be younger, and this may have been said as a tantrum of someone too young. She may grow out of it, but its not my job to “fix” her. There is much better use of my time, effort, and empathy with anyone else but this person. Its also possible this is who she is.

    The result is the same: I’d simply never interact or talk to her again, and move on with my life. There are literally billions of other people in the world that aren’t this person. I’d like to get to know those other people instead.