    2 years ago

    The risk of us being tarnished then as the nasty party again, I think, becomes very real.

    I understand that this is more aimed at moderate conservatives but still… Isn’t it just a wee bit late to be realising this?

      • RÅSS
        82 years ago

        “If we’re quick with a response, maybe no-one will have noticed - right chums?”

    • PrettyFlyForAFatGuy
      72 years ago

      i havent understood why labour hasnt been pushing the ‘nasty party’ line for the last few years tbh

      their policies are objectively nasty

      • palordrolap
        42 years ago

        Two possibilities:

        1. It would be ineffective and so pointless.

        2. It would be effective, but then once Labour get into power and implement something vaguely Tory (or can be spun to be a bad thing), the Conservatives will conveniently ignore the fact that they would have implemented something similar and start saying “well who’s the Nasty party now?” followed by jeers. And since, in this scenario, it was effective for Labour ousting the Tories, there’s a strong chance it’ll cause a swing back the other way next time.

        Secret third possibility: Something something Blairite something something Blue Labour something something people sharing a glass house, etc. (Frankly at this point we have a choice of frying pan or fire and staying in this pan isn’t doing us any good. Time to give the fire a go I reckon. Maybe the embers will glow red.)