This is an odd question, but I recently just realized Pokemon has very little disabled representation. I find it especially odd because Pokemon has so many amazing chances for representation, and they love the small details showing people’s relationship with their pokemon. Like people who are wheelchair bound could have Machamps to help carry them up the stairs. Or someone who is hard of hearing having a Chatot relay what other people say. Or having an Espeon as a seeing eye pokemon and an emotional support. I’m curious if anybody has decided to include any of these sorts of ideas into a ROM hack.

  • @[email protected]OP
    42 years ago

    You’re being a dense asshole and probably don’t care about romhacks. You literally have to translate braille to get the Regis in Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald. It’s implied multiple times throughout the games that there are disabled people in the universe, but we never see them. Like why is there braille but no blind people? It makes no fucking sense in the context of the games. Where did the Braille come from if there are no blind people to make Braille?

    • King
      02 years ago

      probably dont care about romhacks

      said the guy obsessing over braille in a pokemon game, stop projecting lmao. They represent blind people with some braille and you’re whining why they don’t do even more, how about u enjoy the game instead? They have bridges too, wanna whine about never meeting a civil engineer? So dense

      • @[email protected]OP
        22 years ago

        You don’t understand world building if you’re making this comment. Go dick around somewhere else.

        • King
          2 years ago

          Ad hominems nice, if you werent a hypocrite u would complain about lack of civil engineers too, youre dicking around in pokemon subreddits about blind fuckin people and projecting

          Edit: and since u like world building guess what, you need a civil engineer to build absolutely anything 😛

          • @[email protected]OP
            32 years ago

            If you actually played the games, you’d know there are civil engineers and programmers in the game responsible for things you use. Bill? Any of the major bridges in any region? You make no sense and are just being a stupid troll.

            • King
              -12 years ago

              Bill made pokemon storage system no bridges try again 😛