For me, it’s hands down Flameshot. The best screenshot tool in the world - I’ve got it hooked up to my PrtScrn key for super easy screenshots.

I also love Kwrite as a Notepad++ alternative, and KolourPaint as a MSPaint alternative

  • @HR_Pufnstuf
    12 years ago

    Although, I find it a sad commentary that the most upvoted (even by me) in this thread is something to made to run non-linux software. :(

    • @merthyr1831
      72 years ago

      that’s one way to look at it, but if not for WINE and proton we’d not have had the renaissance of desktop Linux that’s well under way :)

      • @HR_Pufnstuf
        12 years ago

        And I totally agree with you. I just lament that games and other made for Windows software is what’s enabling that. People should just want a free and opensource operating system as a matter of self interest… but no. It’s games and Windows apps. Yet another sign that our species is just sick in the head. :)

        • @merthyr1831
          42 years ago

          I’m with you that we need some deprogramming when it comes to how we’re far too complacent with the privacy-ignoring and humanity-disrespecting behaviour of Microsoft. But at least personally I was always someone who accepted it with gritted teeth because the alternatives sounded like a downgrade in other ways.

          Now that Linux is faster, smoother, more user friendly and compatible than ever, it made the decision to delete my Windows partition much less daunting.

          And now if Linux does give me headaches (it’s not a perfect experience!) I’m much less likely to immediately give in and reinstall Windows because I’m now accustomed to the aspects that I didn’t realise were so important to me before.

          • @HR_Pufnstuf
            2 years ago

            I clink my beverage with yours, dear person!

          • @[email protected]
            12 years ago

            Only reason I’m holding on to my Windows partition at this point is for rare scenarios like needing to reprogram my VKB stick, which only has a Windows executable. Other than that, I’ve not fired it up in months. And I’m a pretty rabid gamer.

            It’s taken a long damn time to get here.

      • @HR_Pufnstuf
        22 years ago

        Oh we need it, it’s just how to make linux survive in a capitalist world where things are only made for platforms that can make them money.

          • @HR_Pufnstuf
            12 years ago

            Did I object to making money? No. I object to allowing the making of money to be the guiding principle of software development. Make something great? Want to sell it? Fine. But only write it for Windows because it will sell better? Burn in heck.

              • @HR_Pufnstuf
                12 years ago

                Did you think the burn in heck was for you? It wasn’t. It’s for people who only write software for Windows because it makes them more money. No one was being hostile to you. Seriously, what the heck?