Stacked camera sensors have been a thing for a while now; they have improved sensitivity to light by stacking translucent photodiodes on top of each other.

The Nichia 719A is the inverse; translucent LEDs are stacked on top of each other (in a single package) for increased intensity.

  • @Hilgerone
    82 years ago

    How do you think this will stack up against the SC64w Hi in terms of output? I have the SC64cLE and the w Hi and there is a noticeable bump in output with the Hi. I told myself I wasn’t going to buy another Zebra till the new SC700 is released…

    SIDENOTE-I downloaded Jerboa for Lemmy and it really makes for a decent reddit’ish experience. Thisight just work. ;). Thanks for getting this ball rolling.

    • @ZakOPM
      42 years ago

      Probably a bit lower than the XHP35 HI, but maybe more throwy.

      I tried Jerboa and it didn’t want to stay logged in. I’m pretty content with the mobile website though.

      • @Hilgerone
        42 years ago

        Sounds like it’ll be perfect for those who wanted a w Hi but didn’t get one. 👍 Maybe I’ll save my money for the 700.

        No matter how many times I set it to English and save the settings, the website would always default back to Arabic. Not sure what I am doing wrong. I just got Jerboa set up I guess I’ll see how it goes.