Greetings, 129 subscribers of /c/AtlantaNews! Thanks for subscribing to the community, which seems to be a popular place.
If you had any suggestions on how to make this an even more delightful, informative, or useful service, please do reply in this thread. Thank you!
Hi, thanks for setting this up! I think something I would really enjoy would be a bot that summarizes the article and posts it as a comment in the Lemmy post. Sometimes you don’t want all the “fluff” that gets added to these articles; sometimes you’re over the limit on AJC articles and can’t read them at all 😑
I’ve seen this happening in other communities - I could find which ones specifically if you’d like to talk to them to copy over their setup.
Oooh, yeah, that is a good idea. I’ll enable a word limit. Some RSS feeds only post summaries, while others post the entire article. It’s a good idea to have a word limit in any case. Then after that, I can see if there are some practical options for summarization, which is a good idea!