“If we suddenly kicked out all of the people here, the undocumented, our dairy farms would collapse,” one lawmaker said. “We have to come up with a solution.”

  • LemmyLefty
    241 year ago

    …where are you getting the idea that letting someone who isn’t a citizen drive legally means that they can’t be charged with vehicular manslaughter?

    • Domriso
      51 year ago

      I think their point is more that it’s easier for an undocumented individiual to disappear than for a documented one. They’re already undocumented, so they’re used to operating without going through proper channels. They have no connection to the vehicle, and thus no insurance, and thus the person being hit has no recourse for getting their own vehicle fixed.

      Now, letting them get licenses would presumably come with them also getting insurance, but I feel like this is just a band-aid on a much bigger problem.

      • LemmyLefty
        221 year ago

        They’re not rich ghosts who can shrug off the loss of a vehicle and disappear. Most are, in fact, tethered to a small area BECAUSE they’re undocumented, and as such can’t rent or buy housing or cars anywhere, and the vast majority are in jobs that are, at best, scratching the floor of the middle class.

        This argument makes it even more appealing to get them licenses and therefore insurance by tying the car involved to a name.