Remember back in the day when screen protectors were a dirt cheap plastic film and you could buy big sheets of it and custom cut it with scissors for your phone? Cost like 10 cents for a screen protector? Then came the bullet proof, space shuttle glass screen protectors for like $12 a pop? Turns out the expensive space age glass stuff breaks super easy. I want off this crazy ride. Anyone know where to get the old school JNCO wearin, NIN listenin screen protector material?

  • @RisingSwell
    12 years ago

    Do people keep their phone and keys in the same pocket? Isn’t it wallet/keys one side and phone other?

    • @stevehobbes
      2 years ago

      I do, but while traveling I’ve cracked my screen protector by momentarily wheeling my carry on away from a cab with the same hand that was holding my phone.

      My screen would’ve been fine. But it was enough pressure to put a hairline crack in the screen protector.

      Anything like that is common. Sitting in your phone to flex it enough will crack the screen protector but not your screen.

      But the real point to OP is yes they’ll crack, by the $3 ones and just replace them.