I put this on the other day not really knowing what it was and I loved every second of it.


The 1970s Los Angeles vibe was perfect. The plot was unpredictable and chaotic but it made sense from the point of view of the main characters. Ryan Gosling, Russell Crowe, and the teenage girl were all excellent together. There were so many intricately set up punchlines through out the movie. I had no idea Ryan Gosling could be so funny.

One of my favorite lines was probably when March (Gosling) was interacting with his daughters friend Janet.

Janet: “You took the Lords name in vain!”

March: “No I didn’t Janet. I found it very useful actually. OK, Janet?”

Also the whole set up and pay off with the dream sequence and Healy’s (Crowe) ankle gun was hilarious.

What are your thoughts on this movie? Do you recommend any more movies like this?

  • Deebster
    2 years ago

    I watched this for the first time the other day and was shocked they didn’t make more (particularly as I’d noticed some other The Nice Guys titles in imdb but they’re all shorts or what would have been DVD extras once upon a time). Given that this was initially developed as a series, I’m sure they have more stories to tell, It’s a real shame.

    I hate seeing new IPs not get traction as it just leads execs to churn out more of the same old remakes and repeats.