• fiat_lux
    881 year ago

    Grifters, con-artists and fascists all use the truth to sell a lie. The truth is that we have been steadily raised on a diet of mass produced garbage, optimised purely for profit while disregarding all public and environmental welfare in its construction and delivery. The lie is that the grifters, con-artists and fascists are not just doing the exact same thing to the extreme.

    They offer what they call good, wholesome and honest solutions to contrast with the big globalist elitist fat-cats selling expensive unnatural poisons. But natural or synthetic, poisons can kill you the same type of dead.

    • theodewere
      1 year ago

      Donald Trump successfully sold the slogan: Drain the Swamp

      as long as the “truth” they’re advertising is scary and misunderstood somehow, they can sell anything while they’re pandering to the listener’s ego… this is Alex Jones’ entire ethos…

      • fiat_lux
        71 year ago

        Pandering to egos, or what I see more frequently, predating on fears. I run my own email server, partly because I enjoy watching the diversity of spam and trends, partly so i know what new scams to look out for. I receive far more “drink this to cure your disease once a day!” types of emails than I do “smoking hot babe wants to send you a message” types of emails.

        • theodewere
          1 year ago

          the pandering can be pretty sly, although there is as much tits and ass as necessary… Rush Limbaugh pandered to his listener’s ego by convincing him that he already knew everything he needed to know… he did that sort of with his method of bitching about the world, and they sat there and ate it up… and just got stupider by the minute… Rogan does the same thing… it’s the entire right-wing playbook, all the way back to Goebbels…

          the idiot’s response to every good conspiracy theory is: SEE I TOLD YOU… they just get addicted to listening for that SEE I TOLD YOU ego stroke moment…

      • @schroedingershat
        1 year ago

        I like to pretend it’s a 5D chess long con (it’s not, but pretending is fun). It’s much easier to scoop off the scum when it floats to the top, and trump got a whole bunch of them to take the mask off so they can be arrested for treason.

        Similarly it’s fun to pretend Apartheid Clyde went full fascist so that neonazis would replace their coal rollers with low-poly 90s video game pedestrian crushers to own the libs.

        • theodewere
          -101 year ago

          trump got a whole bunch of them to take the mask off

          what the hell are you talking about

          • @schroedingershat
            1 year ago

            A phrase that refers to someone being openly fascist/nazi rather than trying to hide their true intentions.

            Mask-on: Bush era GOP or current European far right.

            Mask-off: DeSantis

            • theodewere
              1 year ago

              i don’t like pretending any kind of chess… it’s a scatterbrain thing to do…

              • @APassenger
                81 year ago

                It implies the number of opponents isn’t changing, in a thread about how they increase in number.

                Taking the mask off isn’t always a good sign. Sometimes it means the hate is being normalized.

    • @Aceticon
      1 year ago

      It makes sense that the people who will believe one category of such “simple and easy explanations and solutions” will also believe other categories of “simple and easy explanations and solutions” - believing crystals will help you tune your soul to feel better might not at all be the same thing as believing all the problems of society are due to people with the least power in it (immigrants, the “lazy” poor) but it certainly is the product of the same kind of cognitive take on the World and emotional desire for understandable “explanations” and silver-bullet “solutions” so the path from one to the next is way shorter than it might seem if all one looks at is the information space rather than the psychological and intellectual characteristics of the “believers”.

      Or to put it in cruder terms: both kinds of outlook in the World appeal to the the same kind of sucker.

      • @Greenskye
        171 year ago

        I think it’s important to realize that almost everyone is at least occasionally a sucker. There’s a grift that targets basically every personality type. There’s grift for health conscious folks, for worried parents, for ‘I’m so much smarter than others’, for gamers, for outdoorsy types, there’s something for everyone. If you aren’t careful you’ll be laughing at the other ‘idiots’ while you yourself fall into a different trap.

        Honestly once you start paying attention it’s really scary how many different and seemingly totally unrelated topics can be used to pull people into facism. So many times I’ve clicked on a different YouTube video or something and then all the sudden my feeds been taken over by right wing bullshit.

        • marron12
          51 year ago

          So many times I’ve clicked on a different YouTube video or something and then all the sudden my feeds been taken over by right wing bullshit.

          The strange thing to me is how much the Youtube search results and suggestions have changed, even just in the last few months. I mostly go there to listen to music and I used to get stuff I was actually interested in.

          Yesterday I went looking for a specific video. Of the top 15 results, only 2 were close to what I wanted. It wasn’t even the top 2. One relevant result, then a bunch of political clickbait. Zero connection to music. And the autoplay will feed you the same thing if it’s on.

          A couple weeks ago, YouTube was still giving me a whopping 3 relevant results at the top before turning on the BS algorithm hose.

          • @ShakyPerception
            31 year ago

            It’s the anger / fear feedback loop.

            The more angry / scared you become, the more videos you watch. The more you watch the more angry / scared you become…. etc.

            The more you watch the more money YT makes. And that’s all they care about.

        • @Aceticon
          1 year ago

          I agree that at in some ways and at some points in time we’re all suckers.

          I once was scammed and analysing the whole thing later I had to admit the scammer came at in the right ways to get me to draw the conclusions that better served his objectives and use my wants against myself.

          Frankly, I both was impressed and was felt it as quite an eye opener on my own blindsides and the limits of intelligence.

          Not saying he was an amazing scammer and that’s only why I was scammed (frankly I have no idea were in the hierarchy of scam artists the guy was), rather that, as you pointed out, we’re all suckers in some way or another.

        • @[email protected]
          31 year ago

          So many times I’ve clicked on a different YouTube video or something and then all the sudden my feeds been taken over by right wing bullshit.

          I watched one youtube video which contained a complete takedown and exposure of Tucker Carlson and his lies (back when he was on Fox). Of course this meant that youtube thought I was interested in Tucker Carlson, so immediately all my recommendations was to actual official Tucker Carlson videos and similar right wing talking heads.

          I had to expunge the anti-Tucker Carlson video from my viewing history to get rid of all those shitty recommendations.

      • @Piers
        61 year ago

        People refuse to try to address that sort of wooly thinking when it is low stakes then when it becomes high stakes act shocked to see the people around them acting irrationally. One’s hypothetical friend who refused to take the vaccine because they thought it had a mind control chip in it and died as a result invariably was previously banging on about how their acupuncturist was going to help them win the lottery and people simply indulged them because “what’s the harm in them having funny beliefs about things?” The only time you actually could get through to people around you about these harmful ways of thinking is when it’s about things that don’t really matter much. If you wait until it’s life or death it’s too late to get though to them.

    • @[email protected]
      101 year ago

      The truth is that we have been steadily raised on a diet of mass produced garbage

      This is the lie though. It’s the “widely believed fact” that makes it easy to accept the other lies.

      Most of our food is just “fine”.