Baldur’s Gate 3 is a game of the year contender - but how does its PC release stack up in terms of visuals and performa…

  • @[email protected]
    51 year ago

    I don’t doubt your experience but there must be some other factor. I don’t see any of those problems you report.

    • ThayWiz GwarM
      51 year ago

      I didn’t experience any of that the first part of Act 1 (early access, basically), but as I start to progress past that content, I certainly am starting to experience some of these issues. 15 second delays I can attest to. Running on Win10, Ryzen 7700X, 32GB, 4090 with separate OS and game NVMEs.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        Ok interesting. I’ll see how things evolve, although I’m in no hurry to race through the game.

        • ThayWiz GwarM
          31 year ago

          In no situation should anyone race through the game. I read about those poor few who had to “beat” the game opening weekend. You Won Nothing.

          • Shush
            21 year ago

            They were mentioned in the last community post by Larian so I guess that’s something?

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Nothing besides the camera has been bad enough to break my experience tbf. Sometimes the camera gets stuck and I need to switch characters to make it behave again.

      Some people have a higher tolerance for jankiness than I do also.

      I think hardware probably contributes to it as well. My brother experiences occasional crashes, but it’s never crashed for me in 2x the amount of playtime.

      Compared to other PC releases in recent years it might as well be perfect though lol.