Baldur’s Gate 3 has blown away expectations and redefined what an RPG can be, and that may put Bethesda’s upcoming Starfield in a rough spot.

  • @Donebrach
    611 year ago

    “I cannot play two games that are completely different from one another because one of them came out a month earlier” -Every human being ever who could only enjoy one thing

    • Izzy
      261 year ago

      It is odd, but I suspect it shifts peoples expectations slightly even if they don’t think about it. Also people might not be willing to spend $60 two months in a row so Baldur’s Gate could be dipping into some of Starfields potential earnings here.

      • HairyblueOP
        101 year ago

        And Starfield is not coming to the PS5. So, the choice has be removed for the people who only have a PS5 to game on.

      • Armadous
        41 year ago

        I have not yet bought BG3 because I’m waiting to see if Starfield is with $70.

        • Cethin
          1 year ago

          BG3 is. It will be better than Starfield if you like to be treated like an adult. Starfield will be better if you want them to hold your hand but make sure you don’t do anything “wrong” that could “hurt your experience.”

    • @Bye
      131 year ago

      I can’t though

      I don’t even have enough time to play one game

    • @gcheliotis
      41 year ago

      As someone who enjoys RPGs, knowing I will have BG3 on my ps5 (let alone a significant backlog) makes me care less for missing out on starfield. Totally different games, but with huge RPGs and little play time, any such game can literally take up months of my gaming life. I suspect I will eventually want to play starfield, but I won’t be in a hurrry.