The largest piracy community is hosted over at [email protected] has blocked it. It appears to have also blocked [email protected].

If this is a problem for you, I’d suggest migrating accounts using LASIM to an instance that doesn’t block it (such as


An official announcement has been made:

  • @WhoRoger
    81 year ago

    Yes I know, I just wish they were more diversified. When I was starting, I wasn’t expecting Lemmy to take off like this, so I didn’t care much at the time. Now it sucks especially due to the server downtimes.

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      Lemmy is still young. If you move your community now, pin an announcement on top with a link to the new one, and lock the old one, you’ll probably have almost everyone following you. I did it for one of my communities, the subscribers number of the new one is almost identical to the old one.

      It might be better to do it now than in a few weeks/months when your communities are much larger.

      • @WhoRoger
        21 year ago

        I wasn’t even thinking about that, but maybe it’s not a bad idea to consider.