I have occasional bathroom issues caused by food sensitivities (damn your delicious yet toxic nature, nacho cheese).

These bathroom issues involves pooping a bunch of times in one day. The frequent pooping and wiping severely irritate my poor butthole, aggravating hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

I know lots of people around here swear by the miracle of bidets, but before I start shopping around, I’m wondering if there are any naysayers out there who just don’t like bidets, along with why that’s the case.

Bonus question: how do I use a bidet? Most of the instructions I’ve found are a bit delicate about the details. Anyone want to give me a detailed description of how and what to do?

My swollen, bloody anus thanks you.

  • @Kinglink
    1 year ago

    Let me put it this way.

    If you don’t like your bidet, you don’t trigger it. If you like it, you enjoy it.

    My wife and I enjoy it quite a bit. To the point that when I used the other bathroom, there’s been at least one case, where I’ve cleaned up in there, went into the other bathroom and got a better clean.

    As for “how to use it” It will depend on the bidet on how to use it, but for ours you turn the knob, spray your special areas (There’s two directions to turn, as a guy I don’t notice a major difference, but I imagine a woman might, as one spray feels a bit “longer”, but not to the point where I think it’ll hit everything down there" You get jet water on your bum, I tend to move around a little to make sure it’s getting the whole area, then turn it off. Then wipe (I use toilet paper).

    You wipe more to “Dry” than to “Clean” which is a lovely feeling.

    There’s two must buys in the bathroom, the squatty potty and the bidet. I would say the Squatty potty is more important (I miss it more) but the bidet is getting up there.