Students in Massachusetts will get free lunch and breakfast at school thanks to a new 4% tax put on people who earn more than $1 million.

    • Flying Squid
      311 months ago

      A corporation. Not a rich individual.

      • @yoyogamer
        011 months ago

        Who do you think created these corporations? Rich people with aim to make more money.

        Capitalism pays your salary. Without capitalism and with theft of wealth via unfair taxation, your job won’t exist.

        • Flying Squid
          211 months ago

          Rich people do not need to exist for corporations to exist. Also, you think wage theft doesn’t happen under capitalism?

          According to the Economic Policy Institute, wage theft costs U.S. workers as much as $50 billion per year — a number far higher than all robberies, burglaries and motor vehicle thefts combined.

          All right! Go capitalism!