I know all you junior MovieSnobs, subscribed or not, have been distraught, crying your eyes out on the lack of posts here lately. That’s because I’m writing you from the sunny Mediterranean coast instead of the skyrise MovieSnob offices. Since the beaches of southern mid-Italy aren’t conducive to journalistic cinematic concentration and the fact I hate composing on my telefonino, I shine the spotlight on you, the potential discriminating cinema aficionado and journalist.

Go ahead, I double-dog dare ya! Post yer snobby opinion on whatever cinematic subject you desire! Think Gravity was the best science-fiction of the 21st century and you’re ready to defend that bold statement? Wanna expound on how Inland Empire was Lynch’s finest moment (it wasn’t)? Take your best shot!

Don’t fret…I’ll be around lemmy.film. But now, if you’ll excuse me, I have spritzes and bikinis waiting for me.

  • King MongooseOPM
    11 year ago

    I think you may have misread my enquiry regarding Inland Empire, probably because I confusingly inserted my opinion in parenthesis. I don’t think Inland Empire is Lynch’s finest moment although it does have its moments. That film documented Lynch’s newfound love affair with shooting digital while recycling 2001’s Rabbits and footage shot for or contemporaneously with Gucci’s 2006 “Gucci by Gucci” ad campaign. Apparently, not even Lynch knew where he was going with this one. Good thing it all came together and made sense in the end…?

    Your observations though are spot on! Cookouts and ketchup, indeed!

    I was fortunate enough to see this one on the big screen when it came out in 2006. It may be time for a rescreening. In any case, thanks for the comments!

    • @soupspoon
      1 year ago

      Oh no, I was just denying your accusations that I might say it was his best haha

      I’ve thought about going in search of the original Rabbit material, but I think it’s perfect just like this so I haven’t. I didn’t know about the Gucci commercial stuff, thanks! I think while I watched Inland Empire I was kind of irritated a lot of the time but absence makes the heart grow fonder

      Eta: please post all the beach pics, I wish I was there

      • King MongooseOPM
        1 year ago

        Oh no, I was just denying your accusations that I might say it was his best haha

        Francesco! Another round of prosecco, per favore! 🥂😆

        while I watched Inland Empire I was kind of irritated a lot of the time

        Wow…so it wasn’t just me! Thanks, @soupspoon!