Hey there, I am curious what everyone is reading and how you are feeling with it. I started demon copperhead yesterday, made it about 70 pages in and decided to read the first book in the chthulu CaseBooks. It’s a kinda retelling of Sherlock Holmes but with a Lovecraft quist.

I am digging it so far, about 50% through and it’s a fun ride.

So what are you all reading?

  • @[email protected]
    32 years ago

    Had a long pause for a while, but back to making my way thru all of Discworld in publishing order. I’m on Monstrous Regiment at the moment and enjoying Terry Pratchett’s delightful writing as always.

    Chthulu Casebooks sounds fun, I’ve never heard of it but I enjoy Holmes and mysteries in general, will make a note to check it out!