For me, I’m really hoping for ocean biomes/planets and large waterfalls and rivers. With the ability to make bases on any planet Id really love maximum biome diversity so I can fly around and pick a best vacation home, but so far the generation of the planets looks to not have too much verticality and I haven’t seen more water than a small lake.

I’d also hope for some small form of terrain manipulation so that you can build cave homes and such, but this is all probably a stretch if they haven’t shown any of it yet, but that’s the point of this post.

What about you guys, what would you love to see in the game that they haven’t shown yet, even if it’s a pipe dream?

  • Tenacious_Tea
    12 years ago

    Rovers or some form of vehicle to get around on when on a planet, even if it means having a large ship module to transport it.

    • all-knight-partyOP
      12 years ago

      That would be awesome, and another first for Bethesda if they could do it. They made a lot of enhancements to the engine, so I’m cautiously optimistic that this could be in the cards, if not on release, then possibly as DLC