Baldur’s Gate 3 is a game of the year contender - but how does its PC release stack up in terms of visuals and performa…

  • @a1_15
    1 year ago

    is this game any good for peeps who never got into DnD or virtual turn based games?

    • @_Mantissa
      31 year ago

      I’ve never done any dnd but I did do some turn based games like xcom and civ so take it for what it’s worth. Me and my group are having a grand old time. It started off a little bit rough for me as a wizard and not really understanding how the math behind combat works but there is an in-game combat log that you can hover over that shows all your bonuses, what targets you need to hit, and what you rolled (typically, it will do the DnD dice rolls in the background for you). But not so rough that it wasn’t fun, just rough enough that I got really engaged in learning the system and mastering it. The really nice thing is that you can respec your character so if you are the type to get paralyzed by character creation, dont worry! use the recommended stats and as you naturally learn more about the game you can change them to better fit your style. I liked it enough that I started a solo run for when the group cant get together. I’d say if you are really interested in the story then solo is the best bet.