Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis urged The Walt Disney Co. to drop its lawsuit against him, while telling CNBC that he has “moved on” from his battle with the company and that it should drop t…

  • @killeronthecorner
    311 months ago

    You’ve almost verbatim repeated what is in the headline. The only part you didn’t repeat is, verbatim, a quote from Ron DeSantis. I’m lost as to what you find misleading.

    • @Spicylem
      411 months ago

      I suppose it’s interpretation. I did t read the headline as bragging or continuing with the same fight but rather a plea to get them to drop the case. Because he’s moved on. I feel like my explanation provides more context to that missing piece.

      • @[email protected]
        411 months ago

        I did read the OP title as Ron wanting to back down so your clarification helped at least one person. :)