Make sure you take time to rest. I had a mild case last December and went back to work in the like 5 days they say. I ended up with long covid and I’m still not all the way better. Not resting is a big risk factor for long covid.
Thanks, appreciate your concern. I’m trying to rest, but unfortunately soundly sleeping has been challenging. My nose is congested but still dripping if that makes sense. My mouth dries out and I’m waking up constantly. I’ll try to get some reprieve beyond the 5 days.
Make sure you take time to rest. I had a mild case last December and went back to work in the like 5 days they say. I ended up with long covid and I’m still not all the way better. Not resting is a big risk factor for long covid.
Thanks, appreciate your concern. I’m trying to rest, but unfortunately soundly sleeping has been challenging. My nose is congested but still dripping if that makes sense. My mouth dries out and I’m waking up constantly. I’ll try to get some reprieve beyond the 5 days.