Someone please explain why people are using “anti woke” instead just calling it what is… example: racism, bigotry

  • @TootSweet
    169 months ago

    Right wingers need an adversary by which to define themselves. It’s the moral outrage that keeps them going. Yes, there’s an extent to which they call themselves “anti woke” because it’s more socially acceptable than “bigot.” But it also serves the purpose of propping up the straw bogeyman that sustains their whole movement.

    • @IdubzOP
      09 months ago

      Sounds like a bunch of grooming terms to me.

      Can’t call a racist/fascist a bigot?

      You’re so fucking anti woke. Just doesn’t get to the point for my left hand.

      • @IdubzOP
        -19 months ago

        Its grooming in the term of: we’re not going to call you bad words (but the so called bad words is calling them what they are, racists & bigots)

        We going to just stand by and sound like a bunch of idiots to them? No thanks, they’re bigots.