Baldur’s Gate 3 has blown away expectations and redefined what an RPG can be, and that may put Bethesda’s upcoming Starfield in a rough spot.

  • @TurboNewbe
    21 year ago

    OMG thanks for the link. Nostalgia intensifie!

    My first Ultima was the two, but I was super young. Then I played a lot to the six. Finally Ultima 7 with serpent Isle extension was the sweet slap in the coconuts.

    In my book it stayed for years rhe best RPG (with underworld 2).

    Good times.

    • HairyblueOP
      21 year ago

      I first played Ultima 3. I was a teen and thought the game was huge. Then Ultima 4 was a lot bigger. I love the music and have the music for the Wanderer as my cell phone ring. It sounds very different than any other ring I can always tell it is my phone.

      Fun times.