This mini is a bit battered, but the scent is still gorgeous as ever. I estimate it is probably the formulation from the 80s. I always thought of it as a very realistic lily of the valley, but this year I actually compared it with the real flowers, and it they’re way sweeter. I do prefer the old formula, the more recent ones feel more diluted and watery, and don’t project as much

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    Lucky you to have a ‘vintage’ formula with some ooomph! It’s a shame how some perfumes have been gutted into thin, weedy versions of their voluptuous former selves.

    It’s also one flower that I don’t have represented in my wardrobe for some reason, there’s plenty of Jasmine, Rose, Iris (or rather Orris), maybe a Lavender represented, but no LOTV…

    • @siataOP
      11 year ago

      Yeah I searched the old formulas out back when ebay still permitted old perfume sales and they could be sent by post. That’s no longer possible sadly

      Some of the perfumes are so true to the original flower, it’s always a fascination to wear… Like En Passant for lilac or Carnal Flower for tuberose. As if the flowers are right there in front of you.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        Well, I’ve been out of the loop, I knew the postal rules had changed about sending perfumes abroad, but didn’t know ebay had changed too…they always seem to want to stop the fun