Hi, my evaporative humidifier just broke and it is time for a new one. What I am looking for

  • no cloud/account needed, just local, zigbee, zwave, wifi you name it
  • easy integration with hass
  • easy to clean
  • low maintenance fees (filters and stuff)
  • big rooms 50sqm+ so that it has enough “ooompf” Any ideas highly appreciated
  • JustEnoughDucks
    41 year ago

    Remember everyone, clean out your cold humidifiers at least once a month. Otherwise you are literally just spraying mold spores into the air to breathe in. It is linked to respiratory health problems.

    They are great, but need to be well cleaned.

    • @bazingabotOP
      31 year ago

      yes, this one is important - does not matter which humidifier you have. I have set a timer in homeassistant to send me regularly a reminder to clean