The Guardian has identified a trainee nurse and reported US air force reservist called Bailey Ross as the proprietor of a white nationalist publisher in South Dakota.

Ross was also a paid-up member of a white nationalist organization that marched at Charlottesville while enlisted in the United States Coast Guard.

Ross’s company, Agartha Publishing, is part of a wave of extremist publishers using mainstream e-commerce platforms such as Amazon to sell lavishly repackaged fascist and anti-communist books.

  • z3rOR0ne
    01 year ago

    I’d like to take a brief reprieve here and field a question of my own, which is simply what are your thoughts on my arguments thus far?

    As I said before I genuinely await your rebuttal. I don’t just want to have the ball punted back to me.

    Im happy to field your most recent question regarding the role of capitalism in my hypthetical “utopian” society, as you put it, but I am curious to hear what objections you might have given the ammo I’ve fed you thus far.

    • @joe
      11 year ago

      I think the fact that you believe a just society is one where a belief, no matter how vile, makes it acceptable to be raped, murdered, tortured, etc. makes you an extremist. You haven’t given a second thought about how this would work in practice because if you had just saying something like that would bother you.

      • z3rOR0ne
        1 year ago

        Thank you.

        So in regards to the role of capitalism in my version of a better world, I’d say I’m no fan and wouldn’t endorse unregulated capitalism, and if I were to endorse capitalism, it would have to be very severely regulated to the point where certain industries it would be more beneficial to have it run by the state.

        As far as considering the moral costs and potential horrific repurcussions of stripping one particular group of their rights, I do see your point. My only real retort would be that the cost to ending fascism would require an immutable definition of exactly what fascism is, which I believe haa already happened, and then working towards eradicating it. Yes, by any means necessary, albeit hopefully without those extreme scenarios you describe. I personally don’t think denying fascists rights would play out as you describe, but I’ll be the first to admit I can’t possibly know that for certain.

        And, I’ll add, my beliefs are not immutable. I’ll not say it is anyone’s burden to convince me otherwise, but I’d be happy to hear not only your criticisms but also your solutions. I will say that if you offer NO solutions to the problem of fascist infiltrations into Democratic institutions, then I don’t value your criticisms much though.

        There has to be SOME ideas put forward about how to solve this problem. I suppose ultimately I’m simply unwilling to accept even a small iota of fascism in the worldwide society, and desire to work towards eradicating it to as close to entirety as is possible. And I refuse to believe it isn’t at all possible.