There are a couple more tweet that can be found here.

  • mub
    2 years ago

    Sad story. I hope getting it off your chest has helped, bottling things up is never good.

    I’ve been a fan of the LTT crew for years and watched Linus evolve, or rather, succumb to the pressure he was never able to cope with, change him. The massive responsibility for the business he has created and all those people’s jobs obviously weighs heavy on him. He needs to fully step back, be proud of what LTT is, and let experienced management take over. I’m hoping the new CEO will maker the right changes but this drama is very bed timing.

    Edit: This place reminds me a bit of the Yogscast dramas with individuals doing things they shouldn’t, while also making the place a bit toxic. They seem to have turned that shit around. I hope LTT can do the same.

      • Nate
        12 years ago

        He’s already recently no longer the CEO, I’ve unsubscribed and cancelled my floatplane. Waiting to see how this is addressed further but it’s not looking good.