• arc
    441 year ago

    Wtf this is really fucked if true… this week’s wan show is gonna be interesting

      • @Xiaz
        161 year ago

        I’ve been watching fewer of their videos lately. The concerns from Tech Jesus had me sitting further on the fence but that thread got me to unsub. If even part of the thread is true, it’s unacceptable.

      • @[email protected]
        141 year ago

        I’ll watch it, but only as I believe LMG has a right to reply. Their response to these allegations will be critical.

        If they are smart, they’ll have a demonitised WAN show, where they acknowledge the issues and outline their path forward. If they can’t do that, I’ll unsub.

        “Madison’s allegations were heard, and this is what we have done, and what we will do in the future”

        • @[email protected]
          91 year ago

          Fuck that, Linus is the problem and is turning out to be a way bigger problem than I could have imagined. I hope the talented people I enjoyed start their own things, but I’m not supporting anything LTT.

          I can’t imagine supporting someone that vile as long as they say ‘sorry for mistreating my employees and ignoring sexual harassment, we’ll do better’. Like come on, be better.

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            If Linus is the problem then I’m not gonna support him. But we don’t know who the problem was, other than “upper management”. You seem certain it is Linus, I am not so sure. For all I know it could be Yvonne. Jumping to conclusions about who did what is just as irresponsible as blindly following/trusting Linus.

            Ultimately Linus is responsible as the head of the company, but if it wasn’t his direct actions then I am not gonna hold it against him unless he runs from the problem.

            To be clear, I am not doubting Madison’s claims, I am just not reaching for the pitch forks either.

            I do feel a bit icky about supporting the company where that kind of behaviour was allowed to flourish, and I hope (perhaps naively) that the individuals and behaviours are being appropriately addressed. Ultimately, it is up to LMG to prove to us that they have appropriately addressed them.

            Edit: just read the bit about him chewing someone out publically in the office, definely not a good behaviour to be demonstrating. It’s definitely a sign that something is not okay at the top.

            • @[email protected]
              61 year ago

              Even if Yvonne or anyone else is solely responsible in upper management, so what? They fire that one person and everything is magically fine? What about that time where at least one person harassed an employee (and it sounds like it’s multiple people doing it) and apparently literally everyone ignored it? This is a structural problem, sure there are ways harassers can get into positions of power but there should be no way for them to thrive in them. The instant she was harassed, in a sane company she should have been able to go to someone else in upper management and report that shit, the fact that nothing happened tells us nobody cared.

              This on top of the overworking of employees means LMG is dead to me. There is nothing they can do to get out of this, they have been fucking around for years and now they’re finding out.

              • @[email protected]
                11 year ago

                No, I’m not saying that just firing the person makes it right. At best it’s the start. I am saying that I want to see evidence of a cultural shift that ensures that what happened to Madison cannot happen again.

                I 100% agree that its a structural problem, but that is a solvable problem if LMG really wants to fix it, it will cost money, time and likely require a lot of restructuring, but I don’t believe it is impossible.

                I’m not confident that will happen, I am just being open to the slim possibility of happening.

            • @archiotterpup
              21 year ago

              It has his name on it. It’s his responsibility. A lot of people here are avoiding Occam’s razor.

              • @[email protected]
                01 year ago

                Absolutely, he is ultimately responsible for the environment that allowed it to happen. It doesn’t mean he directly did the things being alleged. To me, Occam’s could be applied as: The company has known internal communication issues, the lack of an appropriate response to Madison’s treatment may stem from that. And I also apply Hanlons as: Linus’ company is being incompetently managed (by his own admission), whichallowed Madison’s abuse to occur.

                I’m not trying to absolve Linus of responsibility, he is ultimately responsible. But as long as he is not the direct cause of the problem, this is salvageable. Hiring the new CEO and getting their house in order will hopefully prevent this ever happening again.

            • Polar
              -21 year ago

              You’re literally the only other person besides me in this thread who is waiting for a response before being outraged.

              People and cancel culture is disgusting.

              • @[email protected]
                31 year ago

                I get their point as well though, these are very serious allegations, and something is very wrong. I feel terrible for Madison, this never should have happened.

                It’s worth considering that for some of the people commenting, they may have direct personal experience with these kind of problems, and their response is rightfully coloured by that. I am fortunate that I have not directly been impacted by this kind of workplace abuse, so it’s a lot less personal.

      • @[email protected]
        71 year ago

        I might, if it’s reuploaded to piped or similar

        This is a perfect example of a time when those services shine imo

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      I intend to believe people who speak out about their experiences. Victims had it hard enough and should be heard and trusted. People with similar experiences or supporting the claims almost always follow anyway.

      • Polar
        -41 year ago

        Then you’re an idiot.

        The most recent is the cancellation of super mega. Matt came out with screenshots showing that everything the “victims” said was a lie.

        Remember Gus Johnson being cancelled? He didn’t do any of the things Sabrina accused him of.

        Remember Pro Jared being cancelled by his wife and the cheater Hollie? He came out with a video debunking everything showing he was innocent and his wife and Hollie weren’t.

        Maybe you should let both sides speak before “believing people who speak out about their experiences”. You’re the problem.

        • @[email protected]
          01 year ago

          I have no idea what you’re speaking about and I’m not particularly inclined to look after these examples. The first thing you did was to insult me. Do you expect somebody to talk to you after that, in any meaningful way anyway?

          We live in a patriarchy, women are grossly underrepresented and sexism is still the norm. So, yes, I give women the benefit of the doubt, because the history of women being abused is nothing new and the amount of that happening even today is not tolerable.

          What I never wrote was that you have to believe everything at face value and to take out the pitch fork to manslaughter the oppressors.
          Of course both sides should be heard. That is the whole point. Then problem is that victims are at a disadvantage, so it is important to take them seriously and to hear them.

          People denying, downplaying or discouraging is what the problem is. People in power abusing people with no power is what the problem is.

          But yeah, tell me that I’m the problem. Go on and call me an Idiot. I don’t care. You could’ve written that what I wrote was wrong and why. We could have had a meaningful discussion. You chose not to.

          You say that both sides should be heard but are not doing so yourself.