Content summary:

  • Google removes RSS button from Chrome browser
  • Google acquires FeedBurner and limits RSS
  • Google shuts down Google Reader
  • Google removes RSS from Google Alerts
  • Google kills its RSS browser extension
  • Google removes RSS integration from Google News
  • Google’s still at it…
  • z3rOR0ne
    62 years ago

    To play devil’s advocate, they kept rss feeds for youtube (albeit it not easily found). This allowed me to ‘subscribe’ and get updates via newsboat on Linux. When i open these links, a redirect extension in my browser takes me to invidious and noscript prevents google from pulling even small bits of data. Then i use yt-dlp with a sponsorrblock flag to grab the actual vid and watch it using mpv. Yay…but yeah, Google has weird loopholes they left open.

    More obvious example of this irony is buying a Google Pixel and installing GrapheneOS.