It’s the last working day of the week for most of us. What’s happening this weekend?

  • ScottyB
    41 year ago

    Going out tonight to have a nice steak at a new Steakhouse in town. Then stroll down the hill to see some live music be played in the venue I got married in.

    No child to look after tonight so a nice full night sleep 🤨

    Tomorrow hosting two friends and going to make a Beef Wellington for the first time, excited to do that.

    • @TeaHands
      31 year ago

      Goddamn I am so jealous of people who live in places where there are things like restaurants and music and friends. You’re very lucky, never forget it!

      • ScottyB
        11 year ago

        Haha, well it’s cultivated over years. I don’t think I could live anywhere that didn’t have some form of decent restaurant options and people I could occasionally subject to my imitation of good cooking. As for music, I’m not like the headbanging rock live music type, but a casual evening listening to Hans Zimmer? That’s a music event for me.

        You must have chosen to live out in the sticks if that isn’t a little bit of an option?

        • @TeaHands
          31 year ago

          Yeah, tried bringing my other half into civilization but he got homesick for his middle-of-nowhere upbringing so here we are with bugger all going on. I recently travelled 3 and a half hours each way by bus to go to an hour long comedy show with friends in our nearest city.

          Note to self: cheer up it’s Friday, save this moan for the next Thursday thread, at least you’re near the sea

          • ScottyB
            21 year ago

            Haha. Gotta do what you gotta do I guess.

            I’ll steer clear of the nearby coast at this time of year. It’s too crowded, too hot, and there’s sand everywhere. Mostly I just hate the people.

            Wait a minute. You’re right! It’s Fridddaaaay! Woooooooooo

    • Finnbot
      31 year ago

      best of luck with the Beef Welly! Let us know how it goes, I’m chomping at the bit to try it but not quite confident enough yet.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      You are far braver than I am, I am a pretty decent cook but I have never attempted a beef wellington. Given the weather we are having I would be more likely to portion the beef into steaks and cook them on the BBQ.

      Best of luck!

      • ScottyB
        21 year ago

        Haha, the weather I hadn’t factored in until you just said it. I’m sure I’ll be fine. I’m-in-danger.gif