The Guardian has identified a trainee nurse and reported US air force reservist called Bailey Ross as the proprietor of a white nationalist publisher in South Dakota.

Ross was also a paid-up member of a white nationalist organization that marched at Charlottesville while enlisted in the United States Coast Guard.

Ross’s company, Agartha Publishing, is part of a wave of extremist publishers using mainstream e-commerce platforms such as Amazon to sell lavishly repackaged fascist and anti-communist books.

  • @joe
    011 months ago

    Have you been in the military? You are describing boot camp and movies, from my experience in the Navy. Maybe it’s different in other branches but I suspect not.

    Also, none of that has anything to do with authoritarianism.

    • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
      211 months ago

      Well I guess you don’t know what the word authoritarian means because the military is an authoritarian institution by definition and in practice.

      • @joe
        111 months ago

        This is the part where you define what you think authoritarianism is, and how that equates to using titles and wearing uniforms.

          • @joe
            111 months ago

            This makes no sense, unless you know that you’re wrong.

            We have to agree on the definitions of words to have a meaningful discussion. You clearly are working with some definition of “authoritarianism” that also includes wearing uniforms and saying sir. Before we can continue on, I need to at least know what you mean when you say "“authoritarianism”.

            The only reason I can see why you’d refuse to give me this information that only you can give me is because you realize that your definition is not accurate.

            So that is what I’m going to assume, for now.