Currently I am a uni student, working 4 days a week during the summer, moving to about 3 during term time.

Every day I’m not working I feel tired constantly, regardless of amount of sleep. I push through anyways to get the work that needs done finished, then sit down and just collapse basically. I wouldn’t even call it relax, just sit and switch off.

I don’t have any energy or motivation to play games anymore, even though I used to play avidly. I play guitar but it’s been feeling like I’m not getting as much out of it now…

Once I’m out of uni, I’ll be in full-time and, if I get into the industry I want, more mentally taxing work.

In short, is there something I’m missing here, or is work-eat-sleep-repeat all there is until I retire? Cause frankly I’m more sure I can be arsed if not…


Thanks for the responses, I kinda posted this in a moment of hopelessness for life and I don’t really know what I wanted as a response.

Asking for the meaning of life? Lemmy’s great and all, but I don’t think I’ll find it here lmao

Regardless, there’s a few things here for me to look into and take further, so thank you again!

If this is to close for comfort for rule 3, feel free to delete mods

  • Art35ian
    1 year ago

    I attribute my loss of interest in things to social media. My attention span is just cooked.

    I’m not depressed. I still deeply want to do the things I love - guitar and gaming are two interests of mine too. I just can’t stay with either for more than 5 minutes without being bored.

    And yes, being perpetually tired is your new adult reality. I negate tiredness by hitting the gym for an hour each day. One hour of working out = 5 to 6 hours of unbridled energy for the day regardless of commitment. As I get older though, I get diminishing returns on this as the week goes on.

    I also think it’s semi-natural to get more bored and tired as you get older. Technically, we’re supposed to grow up, breed, take care of kids, and die. That’s our deal. No where in there are we supposed to have room for a career, a degree or trade, two hobbies, 10 close friendships, annual overseas trips, and weekends partying. Just my two cents in this area. Not a scientist.