The Goodhue Police Department resigned due to issues with the city’s pay, Mayor Ellen Anderson Buck said at a city council meeting Monday.

  • @_wintermute
    2 years ago

    White clown lmao. “Cops are fine because I don’t see the bad shit they do because I’m white (but I know Indians and my wife is Chinese or some shit and one time I voted for a black person to be president)”

    Edit: also somehow “Cops aren’t racist because non white people are CEOs”

    ??? The fuck are you on lmao or was that more of a “racism doesn’t exist anymore” sort of sentiment.

      • @_wintermute
        2 years ago

        Your argument is logically the same as saying All Lives Matter or Not All Men. Misses the point entirely.

        Like so many white folks in “nice neighborhoods” you base your reality and world view around the comfortable bubble in which you live.

        “The institution of policing is fine because it works out for me” is what you are telling me. Privileged as fuck and you don’t even know it. Classic.