For the android app… Is anyone else having an issue with the app reloading after leaving the app and coming back? I can open my task switcher and go use another app and then when I come back, everything reloads. Trying to see if it’s the app or just my phone being aggressive with the ram.

  • @techgearwhipsOP
    22 years ago

    I could be in the middle of typing something and go to another app to look at something … when I get back, it’s reload city. Lol. Everything that I was typing is gone.

    • kratoz29
      02 years ago

      Yeah that can be frustrating, and this could not be entirely because Voyager but shitty Android RAM management, or the ROM you are using.

      When I feel like the app would reload (or when I have written a lot of stuff) I usually save the content in the clipboard just to play safe 😅

      Not the best workaround, but it is better than nothing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯