Update: 17th June 23: We are now past 150,000 users.

🎉 🎉🎉🎉


Update: We are now past 140,000 users. Growth is still accelerating.

When I checked yesterday it was 91,000 users, it’s now 109,000 and counting up fast!

100,000 🎉

Stats can be found here: https://the-federation.info/platform/73 - this site has been hugged to death for the moment.

Stats can also be found here: https://lemmy.fediverse.observer/dailystats

  • @jugalator
    12 years ago

    New communities often do and you gain all those benefits from being smaller where the general atmosphere is a bit friendlier and more helpful as people are invested and want to make it happen. :) That’s honestly part of why I jumped ship to here now. At 100K users we’re starting to reach critical mass here where of all these users, it trickles down a few dozens at least into more or less niche Lemmy communities.