We’ve tried the usual of calling police (three times), inviting them over to hear how loud it is (they agreed that it was very loud), asking to at least reduce the bass, blasting our own music (not sustainable) and so on. Sometimes it works for a day but inevitably it’s back to the usual.

Hoping for some petty revenge ideas to complement the other efforts.

  • @FringeTheory999
    -311 year ago

    You should try going in your house and watching TV. It’s a subtle revenge, but it’s the only one that will yield a result that doesn’t end with you red faced and embarrassed, Karen. if the cops didn’t step in it was probably during the day, and thus not a violation… The neighbor doesn’t have to answer his door just because you knock on it, and you can get fucked. take home lessons: 1. get fucked Karen. 2. don’t point cops at anything you don’t want to die you cretin. It’s dangerous dipshit.

    • @lemonlemingtonOP
      101 year ago
      1. The police spoke with them regularly and it was always after midnight. 2. Not everyone lives in N America where you have the freedom to be killed by your police or a small child.
      • @FringeTheory999
        -91 year ago

        cops are cops wherever you go. they’ll kill you too, just ask Mark Duggan. It doesn’t matter what continent you’re on.

        • @Nefrayu
          41 year ago

          Not all police forces are trigger happy idiots like those in the US. Many forces aren’t even routinely armed. Police officers calling to a house about a noise complaint in the UK aren’t going to be carrying guns.

          Duggans shooting stands out because it is rare, whereas in the US it is routine. Don’t project America’s problems on to the rest of the world. Just because your police forces are batshit insane doesn’t mean that is the case everywhere.

          • @FringeTheory999
            -81 year ago

            every police officer in every country is armed with a weapon of some sort. A cudgel is a weapon.

            • @Nefrayu
              41 year ago

              Again, the police in the UK and most of Europe are far better trained than those in the US. There aren’t going to have a baton out waiting for someone to open a door.

              i challenge you to find some reports of UK police killing people on routine callouts unprovoked. Then compare that to the what seems like a weekly occurrence of such incidents in the US and control for the population difference.

              Here’s a list of all police killings in the U.K. to help: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_killings_by_law_enforcement_officers_in_the_United_Kingdom

              There is little to no chance a person would be killed or even injured by the police calling to their house over a noise complaint in the UK. It just doesn’t happen. You simply can not presume that America’s dysfunction is replicated everywhere.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      You’re the guy that talks in the theater, leaves popcorn and soda all over the seat, etc. We know who the dipshit is here.

      Also. The cops don’t just kill pepper for no reason in most of the world. Sorry you live in such a shithole. But it’s not as universal as you hope.

      • @FringeTheory999
        -131 year ago

        And you’re the guy that calls dangerous thugs to your neighbors house because you don’t like his tunes. I’m sitting pretty in comparison. even if the made up bullshit you said were true. Don’t call cops to peoples homes asshole. You’re just causing trouble, and your lucky no one has died.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          Cops aren’t dangerous thugs where I live. Maybe you should move. Not everywhere is like where you’re from. OP is in the UK. Police brutality in most places isn’t like it is in Florida.

          • @FringeTheory999
            -121 year ago

            every cop in every country is two things: 1. a thug who is willing to commit violent acts. 2. a dangerous authoritarian.

            • @[email protected]
              1 year ago

              Find me data that says interacting with the police over a noise complaint in the UK takes more years off your life on average than not being able to sleep. Idiot

              You’re just a wannabe social anarchist. It’s ok to do anything harmful to others, and there should never be recourse for the victim, right….

              No one can be this stupid. Has to be trolling.

              • @FringeTheory999
                -91 year ago

                Lol. couldn’t get it all out in one go? I’ll give you a few more minutes to gather your thoughts, in case you think of something else witty you’d like to edit in. Try not to call your brute squad on a barking dog while you’re thinking.

                  • @FringeTheory999
                    -51 year ago

                    some day you’ll understand the difference between fear and anger. today is not that day.