At this point, Elliott Smith had already released two solo albums and was a year away from a whole lot of people knowing his music thanks to Good Will Hunting.

I JUST started dipping my toes into Heatmiser, and I owe a long overdue apology to my roommate from 20 years ago, Bill. I didn’t get your complete obsession with Elliott Smith at the time, but fuck if I don’t now. I should have listened to you.

  • @ImperialATAT
    12 years ago

    Yeah, for sure. There was some really great chemistry in there. And not sure if you are from portland, but if you like Heatmiser also check out Neil Gust in No.2, starting with their album No Memory.

    • @AcornCarnageOP
      12 years ago

      Technically, yes, I’m from Portland. Just not the one in Oregon.😃 I’ll look them up though. I was wondering what he had done after Heatmiser.